16 May, 2012

Engagement: Mihaela & Boštjan, Ljubljana

Just the thought of Ljubljana as a shooting location can make a photographer jump for joy, but photographing there the engagement of two young and beautiful people was so much more of a treat. We met Mihaela and Boštjan on a warm afternoon and embarked on a journey that took us from the old centre to the green scapes of the Tivoli park and then to Rožnik and the St. Mary church 100m above Ljubljana. On our way we had a meeting with a fearless and very social squirrel, dandelion seeds, pink, fluffy piggies, listened to good music, but, first of all, we got to know two wonderful people whose love for each other is as young, fresh and enthusiastic as on the first day, even after 100 months of being together. Thank you, Mihaela and Boštjan, for being so friendly, lovely and inspiring!

Fotografovo srce se nasmehne že ob sami misli na Ljubljano in njene številne zanimive kotičke za fotografiranje, ko pa gre za lokacijo zaročnega fotografiranja dveh mladih in lepih oseb, se pa navdušenje le še dodatno stopnjuje. Z Mihaelo in Boštjanom sva se srečala toplega pomladnega popoldneva in se z njima sprehodila iz središča mesta do zelenih površin parka Tivoli, Rožne doline, na koncu smo se pa skupaj povzpeli še na Rožnik, do Cerkve Marijinega obiskanja, sto metrov nad Ljubljano. Pot nam je prekrižala neustrašna in zelo družabna veverica, srečali smo se z mnogimi regratovimi semeni in smehljajočimi se roza prašički, poslušali dobro glasbo, v ospredju vsega tega pa sta bili dve čudoviti osebi, čigar ljubezen je tudi po stotih mesecih skupne hoje še vedno sveža in nadobudna, kot da bi pravkar vzniknila. Hvala vama, Mihaela in Boštjan, za vajino prijaznost, ljubkost in navdih!

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